See What a Root Canal Can Do for You
Root canals are done on teeth where the nerve and the tooth has become infected. Typically, the patient will be in discomfort when this occurs. Not all the time, but typically so. So, root canals have kind of gotten a bad rap. Basically, painless procedure. And really, the process of doing it is to get the patient out of pain, which, of course, in certain cases is really an urgent necessity. Well, one thing we’ve always done in terms of our schedule at the office is we always have maintained open spots in our schedule to treat emergencies. We think it’s very important that if you’re a patient in our office and you call up with a emergency, that we see you that day, get you in as soon as we can. Typically, a root canal in a lot of cases is the solution. We may not be able to get the entire root canal done that day, given the schedule, but we certainly will make a significant progress in that to get you out of pain.